Activities for Men's Groups
How to give life to your men's ministry: Ideas for Success Pray for guidance, and that the Lord will help you select a few good men to plan and lead. Set a date and invite these few good men t…
Articles The Shifting Tide of Fatherhood (Adventist Review, 2016) Other Sites The National Fatherhood Initiative Books It's Better to Build Boys than Mend Men - S. Truett Cathy…

Men's Day of Prayer
We encourage churches to increase awareness of men's issues by planning a Men's Day of Prayer, a special emphasis Sabbath, for the first week in September. Current and past years' programs offer great…

Online Resources
http://www.edcole.org Ed Cole is a prolific speaker and author for Christian men. His website features a newsletter, COURAGE, information on the ministry and opportunities to donate. http:…

Recommended Books
We Are Driven, by Dr. Robert Hemfelt, Dr. Frank Minirth, Dr. Paul Meier, Thomas Nelson Publ., 1991. The compulsive behaviors America applauds. Discover freedom from the need to DO more and BE mor…

Sexual Addiction and Recovery
Gateway to Wholeness (Resources developed by the General Conference Health Ministries to address pornography) How Can A Man Control His Thoughts, Desires & Passions? by Bob Vereen Precept M…