Prior to Dr. César De León’s appointment as the NAD’s Family Ministry Director, he was the North Pacific Union’s Vice-President for Hispanic Ministries; Multi-lingual, Ministerial, Men’s Ministries & Family Ministries Director. Dr. De León holds a license in Marriage and Family Therapy in the state of California and a Master of Divinity from Andrews University, a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Loma Linda University and a PhD in Marriage & Family Therapy from the School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Dr. De León’s core passions are serving, equipping, and empowering Kingdom-builders to be intentional about developing and sustaining life-giving, contagious, relationships in home and community which will display the hope and healing of Christ’s transformational love at the foundation of Christ’s Good News Gospel.
The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists is comprised of nine Union Conferences. Within each Union, there are several Conferences.